
Global Perspectives


Wellbeing is now top of the agenda across the globe. There has been a sea change in understanding about what makes a good school and the world has woken up to the fact that student wellbeing is now a huge part of the picture. Looking at Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) data from over 95,000 students aged 7 – 16 in the Middle East and South East Asia, our analysis has found that one in ten children at international schools have attitudinal roadblocks to learning. In particular, a significant minority of students struggle with low levels of self-belief, a poor perception of their own capabilities and little confidence in their own learning.

This report:

  • Outlines the challenges faced by international schools, where many students speak English as a second or even third language, and can move between different countries frequently
  • Highlights how schools can look ‘beneath the mask’ to help pinpoint specific areas of need
  • Provides ideas for how schools in the UAE can use PASS with the Dubai Student Wellbeing Census
  • Offers ideas for IB schools about using PASS to implement ATL Self-Management Skills
07 Global Perspectives Report Image