Welcome to ‘SEND Searchlights’, our monthly webinar series, where each episode takes no longer than a coffee break to address your pressing identification and assessment questions. Facilitated by experienced colleagues and external experts, these informal sessions provide a form to share knowledge and experience with colleagues from across the globe!
Explore the recordings from our series by clicking the links below.
Series 1
Including webinars on:
- Using assessment to support children with barriers to learning
- Identifying SEND, spatial ability, and exam access needs
- Preparing for, and supporting, transitions
- Using assessments to support EAL learners
- A guide to our data consultations.
Series 2
Including webinars on:
- Building inclusive learning environments for all students
- Understanding Dyslexia and insights from the latest research
- Inclusion and support for gifted and talented students
- Key insights and lessons from 2024.
Series 3
Including webinars on:
- Supporting students with Dyslexia
- The distinctions between SEMH (Social, Emotional, and Mental Health) and SLCN (Speech, Language, and Communication Needs) – Coming soon. Register for the live session here.
- Strategies for supporting students with neurodiversity – Coming soon. Register for the live session here.